Selasa, 22 April 2014

My Experience 3

My sad experience

I was born on the family love each other .. When the family was complete without a single left us all . Accustomed state that crowded , always gathered together. And the time has comes , people nearby , which means for me and the family went to leave we all face GOD . Perhaps happiness of our family during this time will not always be carried along without one person going to leave us. Grandmother who went closest , then 8 months depending my uncle left us all. That 's a distant memory for our family .. feel sad and feel that time , our family really lost grandmother and uncle figure who is always there when our family gathering . Until 3 years later , my grandfather was also facing the nearest Creator GOD . The exact day of my birthday to 19 years . Pleasure that at the time I expect to be a very deep sorrow for me . GOD I care about my birthday to make it as a special gift for my life .

Loss of grandmother and grandfather of the mother’s family was once just a matter of years . And beginning in 2014, GOD gave another trial for my family,  steadfast and sincere face for this life I was grateful before they can feel the love from grandma & grandpa family my father , but one who is more dear GOD to call my grandmother lived. My family and should be able to learn to always remember that this life is only temporary , and evidenced by one by one the closest we 're going to leave us .. Sad that usually can feel the crowd , it was only time left lonely people closest family and meaning in life this we

My Experience 2

Proud thing in my life

When my grandparents lived in housing barata, I passed in front of the junior high school 5 (favourite junior high school in Bekasi). My parents wants their children after graduating from elementary school can be pass to junior high school 5. I'm still pessimistic can pass to that school because it is difficult and the known standard value high enough that my year of 2004.

Due to a parent who is quite sure of my elementary school class who take the test was only 18 peoples. Well I already follow my parents wants. Either because according to the will of my parents, thank God my name can be listed for that school students. And I am proud to be a student at junior high school 5 Bekasi.

My Experience 1

My Experience when Celebrate a New Year 2014

Prearranged plan to celebrate a new year with my friend on campus is spend the night in Anyer beach . When I was confused to ask permission to my parents , because at the age of 21 years old I have never stayed overnight to celebrate new year event .. Luckily I have friends who are well known to my parents , so my parents are not too worried.. Finally, I also feel happy to get permission to go to the Anyer beach to celebrate new year event for 2 days 1 night ..

 And when we come in the way along the coast of Anyer , me and my friends are confused to find lodging that is cheap and appropriate contents of the bag .. All lodging nearly full and the price is more expensive because many people who want to celebrate a new year on the coast of Anyer . After getting the inn, we go to the beach soon to see the beautiful scenery . Sunset that awaited was not visible because the weather was cloudy so a little disappointed to see that moment at the beach ..

Night was not felt until the body is getting tired day of sightseeing around the coast of Anyer . To wait 12 a clock, me and my friends burned chicken and fish for dinner .. Enjoy dining together I was thrilled.

After that me and my friends go out to look for a place that there many visitors who celebrate the new year 2014 Anyer coast .. And right at 12 a clock , I really enjoy that moment because I hope and pray edge of the beach . All of this is very memorable for me , and gratitude always prayed for my life .. Hope that is in my prayers before the creation of GOD , I want this year to graduate on time and prove for peoples  who I love that soon i will be wearing a robe and can directly make money / work from my own efforts.

Verb Agreement

Nama  : Tazkya ramadhanty
Npm    : 16210841
Kelas   : 4EA16

Subject - Verb Agreement
The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea that is doing or being something. You can find the subject of a sentence if you can find the verb.
so Subject-Verb Agreement is when a singular noun has an accompanying singular verb, and a plural noun has an accompanying plural verb.

Final -s/-es : Use, Pronunciation, and Spelling
      ·   Use : -A final (-s or -es)is added to    a noun to make the noun plural.
  -A final (-s or -es) is added to a simple present verb when the subject is a singular      noun or third person singular pronoun (she,he,it).
      ·   Pronunciation : - Final (-s) is pronunciation /s/ after voiceless sounds.
                               - Final (-s) is pronunciation /z/ after voiced sounds.               
·   Spelling : Many words sound alike but mean different things when putinto writing.This list will help you distinguish between some of the more common words that sound alike.

Basic Subject - Verb Agreement
    The basic rule states that a singular subject takes a singular verb, while a plural subject takes a plural verb.The trick is in knowing whether the subject is singular or plural. The next trick is recognizing a singular or plural verb.
     Verbs do not form their plurals by adding an s as nouns do. In order to determine which verb is singular and which one is plural, think of which verb you would use with he or she and which verb you would use with they.

Subject-Verb Agreement: Using Expressions of Quality
    In most expressions of quantity, the verb is determined by the noun (or pronoun) that follows of. Multiple choice exercises and matching exercises for English grammar. An expression of quantity is a word or group of words thattellsthe amount ofsomething. The most common expressions of quantity with examples of both countableand noncountable nouns Expressions of Quantity with countable Nouns. Uncountable Nouns. Multiple choice exercises. Expressions of quantity, grammar practice, grammar quizzes for non-native speakers of English, English online. Understand how to use English expressions of quantity.

Subject-Verb Agreement: Using There+Be
    There + be introduces the idea that something exists in a particular place. The subject follows be when there is used.

Subject - Verb Agreement: Some Irregularities
   Sometimes a proper noun that ends in -s is singular. A few adjectives can be preceded by the and used as a plural noun to refer to people who have that quality.

Example :

       Erica misses her mother and father.  My parent visit many countries when the travel in Europe. John watches bird. My friend lives in Boston. My brother and sister live in Boston. Every man, woman, and child needs love. The ideas in that book are interesting. Some of the fruit in this bowl is rotten. Two - thirds of the boys are here. There is a fly in the room. Diabetes is an illness.
     The Chinese have an interisting history. English is spoken in many countries. The number of students in the class is fifteen. None of the boys are here. A new car costs a lot of money. Friends are important. Each book and magazine is listed in the bibliography. The student knows the  assignment.There is spider on the wall. There are three windows in this room.
      Harrods is a department store. The poor have many problems. The United States has a population of around 300 million. The English are famous foreducational instituions like Oxford and Cambridge. My alarm clock rings at seven every morning. The news about the economy was disappointing. There's two sides to every story. Most of our homework is easy. A number of students were late for class. Cold drinks taste good on a hot day.

Sumber :
Buku     : English Grammar
Penulis  : Betty S. Azar, Stacy A. Hagen
Edisi     : Fourth Edition