Selasa, 22 April 2014

My Experience 1

My Experience when Celebrate a New Year 2014

Prearranged plan to celebrate a new year with my friend on campus is spend the night in Anyer beach . When I was confused to ask permission to my parents , because at the age of 21 years old I have never stayed overnight to celebrate new year event .. Luckily I have friends who are well known to my parents , so my parents are not too worried.. Finally, I also feel happy to get permission to go to the Anyer beach to celebrate new year event for 2 days 1 night ..

 And when we come in the way along the coast of Anyer , me and my friends are confused to find lodging that is cheap and appropriate contents of the bag .. All lodging nearly full and the price is more expensive because many people who want to celebrate a new year on the coast of Anyer . After getting the inn, we go to the beach soon to see the beautiful scenery . Sunset that awaited was not visible because the weather was cloudy so a little disappointed to see that moment at the beach ..

Night was not felt until the body is getting tired day of sightseeing around the coast of Anyer . To wait 12 a clock, me and my friends burned chicken and fish for dinner .. Enjoy dining together I was thrilled.

After that me and my friends go out to look for a place that there many visitors who celebrate the new year 2014 Anyer coast .. And right at 12 a clock , I really enjoy that moment because I hope and pray edge of the beach . All of this is very memorable for me , and gratitude always prayed for my life .. Hope that is in my prayers before the creation of GOD , I want this year to graduate on time and prove for peoples  who I love that soon i will be wearing a robe and can directly make money / work from my own efforts.

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